Lees Landscaping Inc 

Insurance Estimates


There is a fee of $150 for a basic insurance estimate.  This $150 will be deducted from the invoice when the work stated on the estimate is completed.

Design Fees:

A Design Fee will be due prior to the start of your landscape plan.  This fee will be credited toward the landscape construction or purchase of materials for said project.

Design Fees as follows: 

Design Option 1:  Covers the front/side or back/side of your home.

Design Fee: $150

Design Option 2: Covers the entire yard (less than ½ acre)

Design Fee: $300

Payment will be collected before or at the Onsite Design Consultation.  A credit coupon will be issued once payment is received.

Note:  Due to the seasonable nature of our business, turnaround time for a plan may vary.


Diagnostic Service Fee:

There is a non-refundable $50 service charge for an on-site plant diagnostic visit.  This fee is waived if the plant is within the warranty time frame.

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